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Renee Adams (Manwaring)

Marital status: Married Children: 4
Occupation: Retired

Bill Allen (R.)

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 4
Occupation: Retired
Comment: It's been a lot of years!!!

Robert Amoureux

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 5
Occupation: Retired ITD Designer now Photographer
Retired from ITD June 2011 and now my wife and I own and run a photography studio, Holden-Amoureux Family Photograpphy, in Boise.  We have been in Boise since 1985.  We have 5 children, Jacque, Robby, Michelle, Brice and Andy and 10 grandchildren with 3 due in April 2013.  Robby died in an auto accident in 91 when we were on vacation. We are nowfoster parents.  I am in the middle of Chemo for Multiple Myeloma and doing well.  I have great support from my lovely wife.  I lived in Pocatello for 4 years at 1206 El Rancho Blvd. from Aug 1966 to Aug 1970.  I went to school with most of you at Hawthorne Jr. High for 3 years and my sophmore year at Highland.  That summer we moved to Jerome where I graduated in 1972.  I am planning on coming to the reunion to renew old acquaintances and have some fun.  Thanks to all of for such a great reunion.  Wow.

Adele Anderson (Hogg)

Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Retired

Dee Anderson

Marital status: Married Children: 5
Occupation: Retired from food sales
Married for 46 years with 5 children and 22 grandchildren.  Hoping to make the reunion this summer.

Steven Andrew

Marital status: Married Children: 6
Occupation: car inspector(railroad)
time flies, It's going to be a good weekend. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Sandra Andrew (Lauritzen)

Marital status: Married Children: 6
Occupation: paraprofessional

Corey D. Barker (Davis)

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 7
Occupation: Office
Wow! 45 years ago..... and we were all trying to get out of school and get on with our we want to turn back time.
Can't wait to come back and see alot of my class mates. :)
Since Marrying Larry, together we have 15 grandchildren and 2 Great grandson.
I live in Boise and work in Nampa. Have been in the Boise Valley since 2000. Miss Pocatello, but love living here. Ride my bike alot, so the Green Belt along the Boise River is perfect.

Lane Barker

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Management

Merri Jo Barnes (Terry)

Marital status: Widowed Children: 6
Occupation: Retired